I’m a writer, singer, performance poet, MC and jazz, blues’n’soul lovin’ lady.
I’m on a mission to make more Collective Joy & festivity in the world, to help people and the planet.
Scroll down for my Gig Calendar, to subscribe to my uplifting monthly JoyMail, to get in touch…
I interact with the audience, making sure everyone’s having a good ol’ time at a Mama Tokus show
Shop for Mama Tokus shows of all shapes & sizes right here
I’ll tell you nice’n’early when I’m next performing AND send you a nice, funky tune if you subscribe to the monthly JoyMail.
You’ll also get:
• Uplifting stories and stimulatin’ stuff
• Damn fine music & gig recommendations
• YouTube playlists of curated vids
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© 2008-2025 Mama Tokus